Dan Donald
@hereinthehiveFront-end Lead @autotraderlife, ex-@mccannmcr & BBC. Speaker & writer. Previous @mcrdig council member. Co-organiser @upfrontconf. Makes music @markof1000evils.

Jack Sheppard
@madebysheppardDesigner for hire. Tranquilo. Good at design, bad at sports. Organiser of @crftmcr @crftldn @openmcr @speaktheweb @upfrontconf.

Simon Owen
@s10wenFreelance Front-End Developer from Manchester, UK ★ @upfrontconf @Mcr_FRED @digiHike ★ Available for hire: https://s10wen.com

Rachel Thompson
@rachietpTiny dictator. First out the taxi, last to the bar. Does stuff @mcrdig. http://instagram.com/rachietp

Katie Gallagher
@katiegallagherGeek Wrangler Extraordinaire, Managing Director of Manchester Digital. Sworn enemy of pigeons & geese.
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